Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thank you to Teachers!

As we near the end of the school year, I want to say thank you to all the teachers who have worked so hard this year.  Thank you for giving so much of yourselves to your students.

A very special teacher, Mrs. Kimball, has made a shelf for JANE IN BLOOM in her 7th grade language arts' classroom.  I am truly honored.  Thank you, Mrs. Kimball, for inspiring your students to love literature and find beauty in the written word.

Here is Jane in Bloom in Mrs. Kimball's classroom!

I also wanted to share a story about one teacher who has changed a student's life.  A few weeks ago, I received an email from a student in Kentucky who had read JANE IN BLOOM because her teacher had recommended the book to her.  This teacher, Mrs. Kristal Doolin, happens to be the 2013 Kentucky Teacher of the Year (congratulations, Mrs. Doolin!), and her work with this particular student has been life changing.  After a few emails back and forth, we arranged to give the student a signed copy of JANE before school ended for summer.  I just learned that Mrs. Doolin presented the book to the student at an awards ceremony the last week of school.  The student has come a long way this year, and Mrs. Doolin is impressed and proud of her progress.  Thank you to my friends in Kentucky for sharing your story with me.  And thank you for reminding all of us that every student has a chance to bloom.

If you have any stories about teachers who have made a difference this year, please share them with me.

Have a beautiful day-

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